Hildreth_Santa-111The following was written by Mahleah Chicetawn in 2011.  She makes some really strong points on why it’s important, not only for kids to believe in Santa, but for us to hold on too.

Santa Claus has always been a big part of Christmas. His image has always represented the magical part of Christmas. Eventually, children do stop believing in him, usually because people they trust like parents, friends or older siblings tell them that he doesn’t exist.

The first time a child learns that Santa Claus doesn’t exist, they feel duped and sometimes feel angry or sad. So why is it important for people, not just kids, to believe in Santa?

  • Believing in Santa represents hope and the importance of having a dream. When you believe in Santa, you believe that the world is full of infinite possibilities and that anything you desire can come true. It’s just not about the material objects, but the possibility of something better. Believing in Santa means that you believe in yourself and the world around you.
  • The belief also plays a big role in developing and having an imagination. With the internet, computer games and budget cuts in the schools that affect the arts programs, developing an imagination and nurturing creativity is becoming a lost form. Developing your imagination also enables you to form images, sensations and concepts without sight or hearing. It helps people make sense of the world around them.
  • Believing in Santa Claus also helps you think about the future and what goals or achievements you’d like to accomplish. Believing helps reduce stress. Fantasies are a healthy part of life and often a necessity, especially in times of uncertainty.
  • Believing in Santa Claus is the feel good moment of the year. It’s hard to resist watching children’s eyes light up at the sight of Santa. You can’t help but get caught up in their excitement. Even for the most cynical people, looking at the world through a child’s eyes lets you see the wonder that the world can hold even if it’s only during Christmas.

It’s important to keep the image of Santa alive even if your kids don’t believe in him anymore because he represents so much more than just presents; he represents hope and joy even if the world is a little chaotic.

This year, bring jolly old Saint Nick back. On the gift tags, write his name under the word from. Even if your children are older, they’ll get a kick out of it and you may even see a glimmer of joy in their eyes.